

For 7 Days
4999 UPI Transactions
0 Transaction Fee
Realtime Transactions
No Amount Limit
No Limit In Adding UPI
Zero Setup Charge
Migration Assistance
24*7 Whatsapp Support


₹ 399

For 84 Days
11999 UPI Transactions
0 Transaction Fee
Realtime Transactions
No Amount Limit
No Limit In Adding UPI
Zero Setup Charge
Migration Assistance
24*7 Whatsapp Support
Have any questions? Contact us and we'll get you sorted.

Every Plan Includes

No Transaction Charge

Receive your customer and merchant's payment via upi gateway service and save transaction charge. 0% transaction Fee.

Callback in Real Time

You see it, you get it. As soon as your customer has paid, you receive an instant Callback.

Grow your Business

Powerful dashboard and Android App to give real time business insights, manage UPIs & Transaction.

Developer Friendly

Integrates quickly and easily, Just add a payment form to the web, set webhook and done whether business or personal.

No Amount Limit

Our all plans are truly unlimited. Unlimited Payment Acceptance for your Business.


Configure a webhook/callback in your account, through our Panel.

Transaction Alert Via Email

Your customer get alert of every transaction on their email instantly.


Definitely, We can Serve you better. We provide 24x7 support via Email and Whatsapp.


What is the UPI payment solution offered by UPI Gateway?

UPI Gateway's solution enables merchants to collect payment from their customers via Paytm UPI or any other UPI app.

What all UPI payments app does UPI Gateway's solution support ?

UPI Gateway's UPI solution supports all UPI apps. Merchants can accept payments via Paytm UPI, BHIM or any other UPI app.

What are the different types of UPI solutions available ?

There are three types of UPI solutions available as part of UPI gateway solutions:-
-Pay via VPA (QR Code) - Platforms supported: App (android & iOS, hybrid), Web, mWeb
-Pay via UPI Apps Link(Intent) - Platforms supported: App (android), mWeb

Why should I accept payments via UPI ?

In the last couple of year, UPI become the most popular payment method amongst the user due to the ease of transferring money directly from a bank account and UPI also offers very high success rate which will give a boost to your business

What are the charges for using UPI Gateway ?

Just Monthly Subscription Only. Collecting payments via UPI Gateway comes at zero extra cost

Can a merchant integrate all the UPI solutions ?

Yes, a merchant can have all the solutions and accept UPI payments via their website or Android app

Is there any separate integration required to accept UPI payment ?

No separate integration is required, Use any Support UPI App or Bank and start Accepting Payments

Is there a daily limit/cap on the amount which merchants can accept via UPI ?

No, there is no cap on the amount which a merchant can accept via UPI

Do I need to have Internet Banking credentials to use UPI ?

Merchants don't need to create a separate UPI account. UPI Gateway will do it the same for merchants.

How UPI Gateway Success the Customer Transaction ?

UPI Gateway use UPI App Notification or Bank SMS to Success the Merchant Transaction using UPI Gateway App.

More Questions?

We're happy to help ! Get in touch